Coaching often leads to a mind shift, a change in perspective. It’s not about maintaining the status quo but about diving deeper, gaining clarity, understanding oneself, becoming more authentic, and encountering truth. This mind shift is an Epiphany moment - a moment of discovery, good or bad - that shatters old ways of thinking and sets
Coaching often leads to a mind shift, a change in perspective. It’s not about maintaining the status quo but about diving deeper, gaining clarity, understanding oneself, becoming more authentic, and encountering truth. This mind shift is an Epiphany moment - a moment of discovery, good or bad - that shatters old ways of thinking and sets the future in motion. Though typically associated with religious experience or literature, Epiphanies are foundational to coaching, ensuring that the coach and client enter a shared transformational process.
"Expanded thinking” might be the most we hope for in any coaching session, but the possibility of touching the Infinite is
also there. For me, an Epiphany moment goes beyond having a sudden insight or understanding a situation at a deeper level; it involves a revelation of such magnitude that our world is shaken, turned upside down, and e
"Expanded thinking” might be the most we hope for in any coaching session, but the possibility of touching the Infinite is
also there. For me, an Epiphany moment goes beyond having a sudden insight or understanding a situation at a deeper level; it involves a revelation of such magnitude that our world is shaken, turned upside down, and everything we assumed we knew now seems trivial, inconsequential, not worth mentioning. So profound is our mind-shift, so revolutionary is our new way of seeing that we are filled with awe, barely able to process the experience. Such an experience can happen in coaching and other forms of inner guidance-- if we know how to facilitate it!
Unlocking Epiphany Moments: A Primer for Life Coaches and Other Inner Guides represents an unexplored field relevant to anyone who provides inner guidance or is an independent seeker. Epiphanies offer a framework for generating meaning, providing a 'GPS' for the maze of life and allowing clients to deepen their exploration into their moti
Unlocking Epiphany Moments: A Primer for Life Coaches and Other Inner Guides represents an unexplored field relevant to anyone who provides inner guidance or is an independent seeker. Epiphanies offer a framework for generating meaning, providing a 'GPS' for the maze of life and allowing clients to deepen their exploration into their motivations, options, and the forces that block them. This book defines various Epiphanies while exploring the skills and strategies that coaches can cultivate to facilitate such powerful moments.